In this field, we offer individuals, traders, professionals, craftsmen, and managers of small and micro businesses valuable assistance that has been altered and molded to best tackle the exact nature of your dispute with the tax authorities.
Without a doubt, most individuals deem it wise to consult the prerogatives of more traditional contacts, such as accountants, associations, or approved management centers that play a vital role in businesses (see, "Accountants and Tax Lawyers: An Essential and Complementary Pairing").
Stemming from the notion that a team of learned professionals can solve everything with the simple wave of a magic wand, it is important to note that tax legislation is very complex and is constantly changing. With this in mind, tax law is particularly difficult to understanding along with the appropriate conduct of audit procedures executed by tax officials along with various demands of "performance contracts".
On the other hand, we are able to, under advisement from our consultant, former Auditor-Inspector of Taxes, offer some "tips" on any details related to the circumstances that may unfold before, during, and after a tax audit.
We sincerely hope that these "fact sheets" detailing the various phases of the Tribunals will serve as a valuable guide in the event that you find yourself confronted by the Treasury, looking more than ever for gains in productivity.